Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blog 9: Working EQ and Possible Answers

Blog 9
What was the working EQ you used during your presentation?
The working EQ that I used during my 10 minute presentation was, ‘What is the best way to reduce the overpopulation of animals in animal control?’

Did you decide to revise your working EQ after your presentation? If so, write your revised EQ here. 
I am not going revise my EQ at this time.

What are possible answers to your current working EQ?
Possible answers to reducing the overpopulation of animals in animal control would be reducing the amount of puppy mills and breeders in the US, increase the amount of adoptions from shelters and humane societies, advise the public about law enforcements on breeding, neutering, ect and lastly, neutering or saying your animals. The biggest issue and the ones that I have found a lot of research on would be spay/neutering your animals and adopting more domestic animals from shelters. 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Independent Component 1 Plan Approval


1.Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
For my independent study component I plan on doing one of two things. Either I will continue my volunteering at the Glendora Police Station in the Animal Control department to get more experience working first hand with an officer. Or, I was going to try and find a local animal shelter to volunteer at if I am of age. Most animal shelter volunteers need to be 18 or older and possibly be trained.
2. Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.
I plan to meet my 30 hours of work required by adding more hours to my volunteering I am already doing with Glendora Animal Control or put in hours at a local shelter. I usually go into the office twice a week, every week for two to three hours. I go on calls, do paperwork or help with the animals in the back.
3. How does your independent study component relate to your working EQ?
My working EQ is “What is the best way to reduce the overpopulation of animals in animal control?” So, by getting in more hours with my mentor I can document how many animals they impound, how many they take to shelters and also look at the shelters statistics of animal overpopulation. With overpopulation, a big issue is non-neutered animals, so I can also look at records of people with non-neutered animals and the issues Animal Control has with that.