What is your topic? My topic is Animal Control
What is the driving problem
behind your experiment and the quote by an expert to support that problem? The driving problem behind my experiment is
the overpopulation of animals in animal control facilities in the United
States. Shelters, Humane societies and pound across the nation are being
flooded with animals because of the issues regarding overpopulation. But, animal control/shelters across the U.S. are euthanizing a drastic amount of animals to reduce this problem, this is an unequal, unsentimental way to reduce the amount of animals.
Quote: " ...Less than 15% of the dogs and cats brought into new homes each year are adopted from shelters and rescues....71% of people favored euthanasia for cats and dogs...Still, millions of animals are surrendered to shelters and animal control shelters every year."
Quote: " ...Less than 15% of the dogs and cats brought into new homes each year are adopted from shelters and rescues....71% of people favored euthanasia for cats and dogs...Still, millions of animals are surrendered to shelters and animal control shelters every year."
Cite: "Why Environmentalist should care about Pet Euthanasia| Latest News| Earth Island Journal| Earth Island Institute" Why Enviormentalists Should care about Pet Euthanasia| Latest News| Earth Island Journal| Earth Island Insitute. N.p, n.d. Web. Sept. 2012
What is your hypothesis? ****REVISED
If animal shelters better promote the adoptions of animals, then the rate of overpopulation in animal shelters will decrease
Summary: For my Science Project, I
planned on focusing on adoption rates in 22 shelters and comparing it to how many dogs were originally in the shelters between 2011-2012.
For my experiment I will record my numbers from 22 shelters them compare them to how many dogs were originally in the shelter, then create slopes to see the difference.
Project Category: Behavioral