Thursday, April 25, 2013

Independent Component 2



  •  I Cherokee Michalak, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work. 
  • The source that helped me the most with this component is my mentor, Jolean Miller who is a Animal Control Officer at Glendora PD. 
  • For my independent component I continued working with my mentorship at Glendora PD, in the Animal Control department. Most of the time I mainly worked in the front office, filing paperwork, working on documents, doing work on the computer for licenses such as updating tickets, registration, ect. I also added up work hours for the officers, and occasionally went in the back with the animals and went on a few minor calls. 
This is Vanessa Alvarez' desk in the front office where most of the time I worked on looking up Glendora residents' licenses, printing out notices and mailing them out, which took many hours. 

Front desk where animal control costumers are assisted with paying for fees, licenses or picking up/dropping off animals. 

Area in the front desk where cadets take phone calls for the station, communicate with animal control and work with costumers. This is where I worked with cadets on computers, learning new information, ect. Seen here is cadet Verduscu and a police officer filling in one of the stations. 

*See previous posts with pictures of the animal control truck, the front of the Police Department and the kennels. 
  • This component helped me answer my EQ because the more I work with Animal Control as much as I can, I can figure out which answer to my EQ is the best and most beneficence to the animals and officers protecting the animals. Since puppy mills are not very prominent in the office I work in, focusing more on spay. neutering and adopting out was more of what I focused on since you can adopt out here and spay/neutering is highly encouraged by both officers.