Monday, June 3, 2013

Extra Post 7: Can't Adopt?

If you go onto most rescue websites, such as the German Shepard Rescue of Orange County's, the website is very well set up when trying to help out the animals. There are many options for you to help an animal in need such as adoptions, donating, fostering or sponsoring.

Fostering- This is where you bring the dog home as if you were adoption but you only keep the dog until it has a real adoption in place. This helps overpopulation since many shelters cannot hold a lot of animals that come in.

Donating- Donating helps with providing housing and food for the animals in the rescue and providing them with essentials such as food, shelter and housing.

Sponsoring- Sponsoring is where you give money to the rescue every month, sponsoring a specific dog, you are basically paying for all its needs and care until it is adopted. This is sort of like adopting, in a different sense.

This an example from the German Shepard Rescue of Orange County is where you can go to their website and on the right hand side adopt, donate, sponsor or foster!

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